The condition of the entrance.The condition of the entrance can tell a lot about how comfortable your stay in this apartment will be.Keep in mind that older elevators are more likely to fail.It is necessary to pay your attention to this point, especially when you have a baby carriage or it is difficult for you to climb the stairs.
Availability of necessary equipment.It is important to make sure that the apartment has the equipment that is listed in the ad. If you don't like something, for example, the iron is not completely new, don't rush to leave. Ask if something can be replaced. In most cases, tenants do not reject a potential client's request to replace old furniture with new.
State of engineering systems.Check the outlets, electricity and heating.Pay attention to the sufficient power of electricity, for example, whether the power of electricity in the apartment is sufficient for the operation of the air conditioner.
Documents.Study the documents that confirm the owner's right to the apartment.Make sure that all the owners are involved in signing the contract or that the landlord has a corresponding power of attorney from them.
Payment procedure. Discuss the procedure for paying utilities and monthly payments. Make sure that your arrangements will be spelled out in the contract.